Thursday, December 17, 2009

Family Connection 12.17.2009

Family Connection
I have been listening to Christmas music since the day after Thanksgiving. I love Christmas music but I especially love the messages found in Christmas music that focuses on the true meaning of Christmas; Jesus. As a child I used to love the lights, trees, presents and the overall feeling of expectation while waiting for Christmas morning. I remember the joy and wonder I would feel to think about the “magic” of Christmas and looked forward to opening the presents on Christmas Day. I still love to see the wonder and joy reflected in the faces of children during this time of the year. In fact, for those of us who know what Christmas is really about, Jesus, that same wonder and joy should be reflected in our faces as well.
Luke 2:8-11-“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”
I would like to encourage you to share this message of hope, joy and wonder with the children in your lives. Make sure that they understand that Christmas is really all about Jesus and the great gift God the Father gave us through His Son. Bookend the story of Christmas with the story of Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross and the joy and wonder the women at the tomb felt when the angels announced that Jesus wasn’t among the dead but among the living (Luke 21:1-8). I encourage you to take the time to remind the children in your life that the story of Christmas doesn’t end in the stable, instead it is continued though the resurrection of Jesus and the hope we have in Him for the gift of salvation and eternal life.
Enjoy Christmas and all the joy of this season because our true hope and joy comes from our risen Lord!
“You should think in the same way Christ Jesus does. In His very nature He was God. But He did not think that being equal with God was something He should hold on to. Instead, He made Himself nothing. He took on the very nature of a servant. He was made in human form. He appeared as a man. He came down to the lowest level. He obeyed God completely, even though it led to His death. In fact, He died on a cross. So God lifted Him up to the highest place. He gave Him the name that is above every name. When the name of Jesus is spoken, everyone’s knee will bow to worship Him. Every knee in Heaven and on earth and under the earth will bow to worship Him. Everyone’s mouth will say that Jesus Christ is Lord. And God the Father will receive the glory.”-Philippians 2:5-11
Merry Christmas!
Partnering with you,
Brett Humphrey
Pastor H

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Family Connection

Family Connection
This month in Flight School we are teaching on Compassion-caring enough to do something about someone else’s need; and what better month to do it than the month we are focused on Jesus’ birth. I’m amazed when I think of the lengths God went to in order to save us from our sins. God showed us the greatest compassion conceivable by sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Just think for a moment about the following verse: “God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son. Whoever believes in Him will not die but will have eternal life.”-John 3:16 NIrV; what great and glorious news!!
On December 5, 2007, Jennifer, Kenny, Josh and I met Sofie for the first time. We were in a government building in Changsha, China when this little girl walked into our lives. Sofie was 7 at the time and I remember the joy I felt when our eyes met for the first time. We celebrate this every year as a family and we call it “gotcha” day. This is a day of celebration for everyone in our family as the day when Sofie joined our family and our lives were forever changed for the better.
Do you realize that each of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior have our own “gotcha” day? That’s the day when we were adopted into God’s family and our lives were eternally changed for the better. During this Christmas season, I would encourage you to talk with the children in your life about that “gotcha” day and the changes God has brought, and is bringing, into your life. Take the time to focus on God’s great gift of Jesus and His provision through Him. Talk about why it was so important for Jesus to be born in that stable so He could grow up living a sinless life and take our place on the cross. The wonderful thing about Christmas is, it points to Easter. Celebrating the birth of Jesus is a wonderful thing but without His death, burial and resurrection we wouldn’t ever be able to celebrate our “gotcha day” and spend forever in Heaven with Him.
I challenge you to take time to talk about these things with the children in your life. We will be talking about the same things with the children who attend Basic Training and Flight School each weekend.
Partnering with you,
Brett Humphrey
Pastor H