Thursday, April 22, 2010

Family Connection 04.22.2010

Family Connection
“Don’t just listen to the word. You fool yourselves if you do that. You must do what it says.”-James 1:22 (NIrV)
This is our key verse for Summer Spectacular 2010, but it is much more than that; this is a verse that can transform our families. When I was younger I was once told, “do as I say, not as I do.” I’m sure you have heard something similar in your life; maybe you have even said something similar to the children in your life, but we all know this isn’t something that Jesus would say to us. In fact, throughout scripture we learn to live out our faith and to live like we really believe what we say we do. Whether we like it or not, the children in our lives are watching us to see if we live out the faith we claim to follow on the weekends; they are waiting to see if we really do what the word says.
This week I would like to challenge each of us to enter into a conversation with the children in our lives about the value of living out our faith and living in such a way that our beliefs are seen by our actions. Take a few minutes to talk to the children in your life about some needs of people around you and some real, practical ways you can work as a family to meet those needs. Encourage the children to come up with some problems, and then propose some solutions and see what you really can do together as a family. Find a real, easy and strategic way to put James 1:22 into practice. Do this personally and as a family.
One of the easy ways to do this would be by bringing in a bag of rice to church this weekend and drop it off in Flight School. We are attempting to supplement the rice supply for the hungry in the Coachella Valley as ministries who feed the poor are experiencing a rice shortfall as USDA surplus rice has gone to Haiti. This may seem like something small but it is something practical you can do as a family to live out your faith. Give it a try and explain why you are doing this to the children in your life.
Walking by your side,

Brett Humphrey
Pastor H

PS-We have begun volunteer registration for Summer Spectacular on
PPS-Rob Biagi will be here the weekend of May 8-9, 2010 and will be singing in Flight School at every service.