Monday, November 15, 2010

Family Connection 11.15.2010

Family Connection
“There are different kinds of gifts. But they are all given by the same Spirit.”-1 Corinthians 12:4 (NIrV)
In Flight School this month we are using the above verse as our verse for the month. We are focusing on the fact that God has given us gifts but He wants us to use these gifts to help and serve others. This is something that we believe children can learn at an early age and as families this value can be modeled in the home, neighborhood and even around the world.
To help facilitate this, we participate in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse. This Organization collects shoeboxes, filled with Christmas gifts, and distributes these boxes around the world to needy children. Not only do our children get an opportunity to see how the gifts and blessings they have received can bless others, our children also get a lesson in gratitude as they see how these small things that are given can really brighten up another child’s life. I have also issued a challenge to the children. If they bring in 200 shoeboxes into Flight School by this Sunday (November 21) then I will jump out of a plane and video the entire experience. (A generous volunteer in Flight School has paid for the skydiving experience complete with video package; there’s no backing out for me). We will also give each child 50 Bible Bucks for each filled shoebox they bring in. Even though we are giving the children incentives we really want them to learn how to love and serve others by what they receive.
This really is a wonderful opportunity for you to help the children in your lives learn the value of giving to others. For more information, including the way to track your shoebox to see which country it is delivered to, go online to . It’s that easy.
It is my hope that each of us can make an eternal impact on the children in our lives this week.
Walking by your side,
Brett Humphrey
Pastor H

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