Monday, April 25, 2011


Today was a great day! We started off the day with breakfast at Brent and Leah's house, the pancakes were the bomb! After breakfast we went into a local village to do some grocery shopping. While Leah was working with the shopkeeper on prices and quantities, Josh and I had an opportunity to provide some amuzement for some local children. Our white skin was quite facinating to some of the children and we had a lot of fun holding hands and I received many, many hi-fives from the children. Even though the children and I couldn't communicate with words it was fun to "speak" the language of fun and play with these beautiful children. Josh and Bo took a boda boda ride, motorcycle taxi, back to the house while we finished shopping. It is amazing to see the food prices here. The food is so expensive that many people have to use 1/2 of their weekly salary just to buy enough food to last the week. I will not complain about the price of food at home any longer; it's amazing what a dose of perspective can do for you.

After the shopping trip we got a chance to hang out with Rachael from Cherish Uganda and talk more about the ministry and the things that are happening for these children. The children who live at Cherish Uganda have all been snatched from the jaws of death and are thriving at this ministry. Even though each of the 42 children who were brought to Cherish Uganda were each near death when they were brought in, all of them are living and thriving today. These children aren't considered orpans any longer because now they live in family goups at Chrish and have new lives. It is amazing that for $30,000 US a sustainable home can be build and 8 lives can be saved! What an amazing ministry. I can't wait to share more about it when I get home.

After our time with Rachael, we went to a local hotel for swimming. There were 3 levels of high dives and each of the children, including Brent, went off the highest level; many, many times.

We finished the evening together and I got a chance Skype with Jen, Kenny and Sofie.

Tomorrow we have another full day, including filming at the headwaters of the Nile River. It's pretty awesome that we will be studying Moses for Summer Spectacular and we will get to actually film at the Nile River. What an amazing opportunity.

Good night! Josh and I thank you for your prayers and support. Brent, Leah and the kids also express their appreciation for all the wonderful gifts we brough with us. It's amazing how special a box of cake mix can be when you can't get it.

Brett and Josh

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